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Genes kitten, inherited from his father, define, how will the animal friendly. Genes, transmitted from mother, also have value, but do not play such a significant role.

Friendly Mom - cat, likely, foster sociable kittens, because it shows them, that around you have nothing to fear.

The smell of animal, which were taken to the veterinarian, may be very different from the usual, so the other cats, who lived before him in the world, can meet its aggressive. We need to help them share their fragrances with rags.


Talking to people between the ages of kitten 2 to 7 determines weeks, how good he will be in contact with them the entire life. If the cat was positive mushrooms in early, it will grow a friendly and sociable.

Some cats are quite sink his claws into you, while you are petting them. But this is normal behavior, and there is no possibility of their wean.

Cats do not understand, when you punish them for, that they release the claws. If you put on your knees a thick blanket or towel, until they see a cat, this will help avoid any unpleasant sensations.

Cats begin to growl at the age of one week.

They can purr continuously, as inspiratory, and exhalation.

Rumbling is usually a sign of pleasure, but cats as well urchat, when it hurts.

Adult cats quickly recognize the new kitten, than an adult cat that appears in the house.

New animal, as well as new people or even young children, can cause a cat to feel insecure.

Cats, believing, that the safety of their homes broken, can put labels in strategic places for them, to feel more confident.

Cats create excellent maps of the area in my head.

It takes time, to become familiar with their territory,- that's why cats so restless in the first six months in the new house.

Scientists have synthesized chemical, like to stand out from the buccal glands, when the animal rubs muzzle on various subjects. This material is intended for, to help cats feel safer in a new or changed environment.

Cats, feeling insecure and feel threatened in, can be labeled strategic places around the house. Thus, area is filled with the smell of their families and helps to feel more secure.

Causes, on which cat urine begins to tag objects in the house, range from suppressing odors, an offering for shoes and bags, or smell happens here another cat.

Owners often forget about these causes and punish the cat's immorality in the house, which further increases its vulnerability.

The nose, responsible for odor recognition, cats are ten times more, than human. Therefore, the area of ​​the brain, helping them to decipher the odors, they have proportionately more.

The ability to detect odors and get them out of complex information is the reason, that cats spend a lot of time on their placement and reading other people's smelly markers.

Sniffing the urine of male, cat can determine, if it fits for mating. They are able to determine , what kind of food he ate, how was fresh meat and, respectively, as far as he is a good hunter. This allows us to understand, whether it will be a good father to her kittens.

Cats- bullies can cause reluctance to leave the house cat. This can lead to the appearance of impropriety, oppression, and other behavioral problems. In such cases it is necessary to agree with the neighbors, which mode to let the cats out.

Cats explore the world around very carefully, so as to better learn new territory; they paint a detailed picture of her in my head. By using this card, they can find a new way home.

It is known, that cats can go for miles in order, to return to their homes, if their owners have moved.

And, conversely , cats find a new place of residence of the owners for many miles from the old , if they were left in the same place. No one knows, how they define, in what direction they should move now live or where their owners.

Cats prefer to hunt at dawn or dusk, in activity of small mammals.

Cat Eyes arranged, so that it sees a better light conditions at, therefore can successfully hunt even in the dark.

Cats prefer to hunt small mammals, and not on birds. To catch small animals, cats patiently waiting for their, having hidden near the footpaths, those who use.

A healthy cat, which is in great shape, can jump to a height of, in 5 times its own.

Cats have special vertebrae, allowing them to twist or bend.

Some cats like to eat wool and plastic, are not part of their diet.

In some breeds of cats, this phenomenon is more common, than others. This may be related to the unsatisfied desire that gnaw - some, because domestic cats, basically, bait, are easily swallowed.