British Shorthair
British shorthair - a cat late development. In order to obtain the necessary forms for the breed, cats need at least 3 years, and their development is fully completed only by 6 years. The final formation of cats occurs only after the second birth.
So, You have decided to get a kitten British breed. Primarily, you should think about, for what purpose you need a kitten: Will you keep it at home, like a regular house cat, or cat will participate in exhibitions and breeding. But!
You yourself should give the report and in the, that to achieve your British kitten 10 months are your plans for it you will not change. Be consistent. If you originally took himself kitten pet-class, that he has no future and no need to try to find him a cat- "Bride", because your cat British "so beautiful" and absolutely do not want a cat neutered or tormented by the question where to find a seller of your kitten, to get to it documents. The opposite situation: You bought a kitten show class. In life, things can change, but you know you have a choice and if you want to you can fly.
Kittens are divided into three classes:
Pet (five) - category pets, These kittens are for the house and do not have the right to participate in the breeding and exhibition.
Breeding (брид) - British kittens for breeding, cats only.
Show (show) - Kittens: cats senior exhibition class, have to meet very high requirements.
In accordance with belonging to one class or another will be installed and the price of a kitten. Naturally, will be the most expensive kitten Show-class, but these kittens are born rarely. This is the best of the breed British Shorthair, who take part in the show. More often than not sell kittens Breeding - class.
When choosing a kitten important rule - do not chase the cheapness. Even if your pet will be spending all your time at home, not participating in exhibitions and purposeful breeding, do not buy a kitten without a pedigree (it may happen, that you need them). The nature and the health of future teddy handsome Brit largely depends on, from whom and under what conditions he grew up. Would be best to contact the appropriate phenological club, which will give you the address of the breeder. An experienced and knowledgeable expert-owner of the kennel cats kitten will choose according to your requirements. Also it will be available to address, when there are any problems, to get expert help or advice needed.
Do not rush to buy a kitten, if you give it away for too low a price. In our life, everything has a specific price. If you buy food at the market and see the extremely low price, it is likely that the first thought, that would come to your mind, or that the goods broken or fake. I honestly do not understand the potential buyers, who speak: "And we do not matter, point, that was like a kitten!"But, let, British kitten must comply with external standards of British rock, He must also have the temperament, psyche and character, but it is also genetics. Bestow their love and care and can be simple home kitten, and it will not cost you any.
Frequently Asked Questions Customer:
1. What color are the eyes of a kitten? Do kittens classic colors, eyes should be only one color - Copper. Neither the green, no blue color eyes in the classic colors of British adults are not allowed.
2. A plush fur? Yes, and only such, in another thoroughbred cat can not be.
3. A kitten is just accustomed to the toilet? And only yes.
4. And you are planting kittens? Yes, according to age.
5. Oh, British kitten 3 Months, it's a lot! We have monthly - we bring up, we had the experience. In the western nursery age for sale may not be less 12 weeks. By this age, the kitten becomes more independent, practically ceases to suck mother, he has made the first vaccination, he carefully goes to the toilet, the kitten is well developed immunity, because there is nothing that affects the immune system as the mother's milk, so finding themselves in a new environment, he will experience less stress, What kid - britanchik few weeks old, and quickly get used to the new owners. But the tiny kitten monthly unlikely you will be able to bring up better, than the mother-cat. What are the "documents" for a kitten? When aktirovke kittens in the club give each kitten on a document on the origin - metric (if by analogy us - birth certificate), where the following data:
1. The letter with which to start your kitty's name.
2. Date of birth, sex kitten, breed, color.
3. Number metrics kitten.
4. Details about his parents.
Number issued to the metric kitten always coincides with the number of your family tree grown cat, because the pedigree is made in the club, issued the metric and can be issued only where. Do purebred cats pedigree 4 knee. It includes data on parents, grandfathers, great-grandparents and great-great-grandfather. In the pedigree must state the full names and titles of all close relatives of your kitty-Briton.
Choosing a purebred kitten, special attention should be paid to the fact, to every name under the designation stood Bri, that is, "the Briton". In the pedigree there should be signs Sfs (Scottish Fold), Char (шартрез), Exo (exotic), etc.. In this case, neither of which purity of the breed is not out of the question.
If cats are bred by all the rules, content cattery is not profitable, on the contrary, unprofitable, because the proceeds of the kittens money spent on the purchase of a good feed, advice of experienced veterinarians, nutritionists and breeders, vaccinations, exhibitions and other. According to international standards for the cat 2 the year should be no more than 3 pometov, otherwise there is a risk of birth sick kittens, that may not survive. Setting low prices allow themselves to only those, who gets 4-5 litters per year from one cat, and thus save on vaccinations and feed. So you, perhaps, have to enroll in a kitten. Agree, that is sufficiently low probability, that at this point in the nursery was a British sex kitten desired, desired color and age. If the cats in the cattery, in which you have applied, in the near future will not be the desired color kittens, then maybe you will be directed to another Cattery.
In what Cattery would you not come, necessarily ask, which organization or club is registered, who exercises control over the correctness of breeding, Should the owner of the kennel for the future of her kittens.
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